Saturday, April 27, 2013

Francesca Lia Block poems

respectfully lifted from

Extinction - by Francesca Lia Block

the earth was crying trying to cool

her blistered skin with tears

the polar bears died without their ice

those sad little fishes

the birds with burnt wings

what have they done to us
what will they keep doing how will they ever stop

the children ran from the bombs

continents reared up and the oceans swallowed people whole

the men wondered how to change anything without a gun

in the darkness women ate chocolate and wept

yearning for their unfound partners and babies

as if to be alone were the end of the world

and yes it felt that way

because we must all have someone to hold someone to hold us

through an apocalypse

what can we do what can we do we cried

how is this anything writing these poems of devotion

posting these images of transformation

winged dogs girls with clocks in their heads

how is this anything

holding our babies

and touching our lovers as if they were lost parts of god

this is all we can do

the night descends but love though vulnerable


like the little girl with brown curls and sprinkled freckles

who ran into my arms today

i’m airplane, the saber tooth cat, she said

please play with me i won’t ever


magick is radical - by Francesca Lia Block

this little boy says he can understand what cats say
and i believe him he looks like one
slight and feline black hair shiny smooth as fur
but he also tells me magic isn’t real
repeating what someone has given him
thinking it was a gift, a tool
magic isn’t real
only pretend
i know another little boy whose daddy tells him
you can do anything if you believe it enough

what if we all learned that at such a young age
like grammar and arithmetic
what if our parents teachers leaders believed it too
not the magick of tricks
or the will
but that true, pure stream of never ending

could we fly? find our true loves? our true work?
end wars and poverty?

like my daughter who wrote in her composition book
i wish i had magick
if i had magick i would save
the world

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